Resource type: Graphic

A6 Booklet – new ‘Worker What??!! A Short Introduction to worker cooperatives’

Launching the Worker Co-op booklet, ‘Worker What??!! A Short Introduction to worker cooperatives’ (digital and print). During Co-op Fortnight we were excited to finalise a new worker co-op resource in the form of a 12 page pocket sized booklet which we hope will be versatile.

This booklet was designed to be an educational resource to non-coperators about worker co-ops. It can be stocked in worker co-op shop floors, handed out to customers, or given to new co-op members. The aim is to make the system of worker co-ops more accessible.

Members can request print copies by filling out this form or emailing order details to solidarity at They will in near future be available to non-members to order online.

Specs: A6, colour, 12 pages (pocket sized) stickers

Download PDF of sticker pack

Specs: colour, 6 designs

Members can order some by post here (collection available in London, Birmingham, Manchester)

(Image shows 7 sticker designs alongside the updated Worker Co-op Codes and Liberating work A6 Manifesto