About the event
Glasgow’s informal co-op meetup, come along to meet other worker co-operators
*** End of year Potluck and Cinema : the Sequel! ***
Please join us at Green City Wholefoods on Tuesday 10th December to eat food and watch a film together.
Due to technical issues last week, we couldn't run the film so we're coming together again for Round Two - this time with the movie!
We’ve had a really good year as a group and we really want to celebrate and feel some joy and welcome new friends to our meet-ups.
If you haven’t come to anything this year or are new then we especially want to see you <3.
We are having a potluck – please feel free to make, buy or steal something good to eat and / or drink.
We will have access to a kitchen including crockery/cutlery.
5.30pm - drinks, food, chat
6.15pm - film: ‘The Co-op Wars’ (1hr)
then…. further chat and eating and we will finish at 7.30pm
Our Glasgow monthly meet-up is an informal meeting and any co-op or co-op ally is welcome to join us.
Do RSVP to Louise please: louise@mediaco-op.net or signal message 07974 350377
Glasgow Co-op Meetup general info
Glasgow worker co-ops run monthly meet-ups on the first Tuesday of the month from 5.30 – 7.30pm. The venue varies. The meet-ups are for worker co-ops and radical housing co-ops but any other co-operator or anyone/group interested in starting a co-op of any kind is very welcome to join us.
If you're a worker coop visiting Glasgow, come and say hello.
Join the Signal group chat
If you’ve not yet signed up to the Glasgow Coops Meet-up Signal group join now to keep up to date on the monthly meet-ups, coops news, shout-outs and events of interest to coops in the Glasgow area ... by contacting louise@mediaco-op.net with your mobile number